How To Make A Twitch Overlay? Best Twitch Overlay Makers

No matter what your stance is on streaming, getting new followers or some sort of recognition for the effort put into streaming always makes the broadcaster feel like they can do even more for the stream.

If you as a streamer want to gain new followers or subscribers you will need to invest in the way your stream looks, namely, you will need to invest in a nice Twitch stream overlay that will appeal to the audience you have.

It is true that if your content is good enough and you have a decent quality stream and a good microphone and webcam you should technically be doing fine, but at the same time it is important to admit that visuals play a very important role in whether people will continue watching your stream or not.

Considering this situation, today, we will investigate more about Twitch stream overlays and help you get your own as well!

What Are Twitch Overlays?

If you are new to Twitch, you will notice that most streams you visit will have some sort of graphic design elements that will be visible on the screen. These are often used to display new followers, new subscribers, or some sort of other relevant information for the viewers.

These visual design elements are also used as a webcam frame, or chat frame to simply make the stream look better.

Basically, any graphic design element besides the actual video feed that is coming from the broadcaster is most likely a part of the Twitch stream overlay.

Why Do You Need Twitch Overlays?

The main reason you want to have things like Twitch chat overlays, or Twitch webcam overlays is to raise your production value.

If you are streaming on Twitch intending to grow your channel you need to realize that millions of other streamers are doing exactly the same thing. For you to gain any form of attention you need to set yourself apart from the other streamers, and having an appealing graphic design displayed on your stream is one of those ways.

Even worse is the fact that having a good Twitch stream overlay has become a standard so now if you do not have one you will most likely be disqualified from the “professional streamer” list in the eyes of the audience.

The truth is that if you want to grow your channel and be able to monetize your Twitch career you will definitely need to invest in a Twitch overlay template that will elevate you to the next level of content production.

What Are the Best Twitch Overlay Makers?

If you start doing some research on the internet you will quickly realize that a lot of the templates are pretty basic and more often than not, are pretty hard to customize. Because of these reasons instead of just Twitch stream overlays, we would recommend you look into overlay makers.

Overlay makers are just sites that allow you to take an overlay template and customize it a bit to make it fit better with the overall aesthetics of your stream.

The customization is of course also pretty basic but operating such sites is simple, meanwhile, if you would want to do a complete overhaul on a free Twitch overlay template you would have to be proficient with software like Photoshop.

The most important and coherent free Twitch overlay template maker we could find is Canva. Canva is not just an overlay maker but is a pretty good overall graphic design tool that allows you to customize items on the go.

canva twitch overlay

The UI is simple and you can do as much customization as you want and download your file easily.

Another easy-to-use tool for making free Twitch overlays is Placeit. You can choose from the basic templates they have on offer, customize it to fit your stream better, and voila you now are rocking a new Twitch stream overlay that took you only 5 minutes to make!

placit twitch overlay

Another great online Twitch overlay maker is wdflat. Just like with the other options you can choose an overlay template you think will fit your style, apply some customization to it and download the file for you to use in your OBS.

wdflat twitch overlay
wdflat twitch overlay 2

Another big platform you can use for Twitch overlays is Nerd or Die. Nerd or Die has a lot of pre-made templates you can download or buy, but they also have an overlay maker for you to customize certain elements.

nerd or die twitch overlay

Finally, you have strmaker which does exactly the same as every other app on the list. You can create overlays, banners, and panels for your stream with a couple of clicks.

strmaker twitch overlay

These types of Twitch stream overlay tools come and go each year but Canva has been consistently the best overlay maker we have used, therefore, if you have time for only one overlay maker site – try Canva.

This is all you need to know about free Twitch overlay templates and where to get them!

About The Author

Chris (vile_is_dead)

Custom Windows ISO enjoyer, FPS optimizer, and aim improvement enthusiast. Will disassemble all of his peripherals (and sometimes PC parts) to mod them even if all of them work perfectly fine. Discord/Twitter: vile_is_dead

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