How to Timeout Somebody on Twitch

Streaming on Twitch can be a very fulfilling experience but as with everything else in life, there are different challenges you need to face. One of such challenges is the fact that you need to moderate your Twitch chat while providing content for your audience.

When people do say some weird things it is usually better to take some precautionary steps before banning in case there is space for reformation in their action. On Twitch this step is timing someone out.

This will simply take away their privileges to talk in your chat temporarily and will give them enough time to reflect on their actions.

What to Do Before Timing Someone Out

To timeout someone on Twitch you need to either be the owner of the channel or a moderator in that channel.

To make it clear for people what they should not do in your channel to avoid bans and timeouts you need to have a list of rules (that include the platform-wide banned topics and words) and also should be making your own blacklist of words and Automod rules.

If after all of this people still insist on being naughty it is time to pull out the timeout card.

How to Timeout Someone on Twitch

So the situation escalated and you want to know how to timeout someone on Twitch and also probably how to undo a timeout on Twitch in case the person has “served their sentence”.

The easiest way to timeout someone is to simply type /timeout @username and the time in seconds. For example, the command should look like this: /timeout badtwitchperson 30. This will timeout said individual for 30 seconds.

To undo this action simply type /unban @username or /timeout that person for 1 second according to the official Twitch commands guide.

The same thing can be achieved by clicking someone’s name in chat and clicking the timeout button.

twitch timeout button

With this you know how to timeout people on Twitch and also know how to remove the timeout in one simple go.

About The Author

Chris (vile_is_dead)

Custom Windows ISO enjoyer, FPS optimizer, and aim improvement enthusiast. Will disassemble all of his peripherals (and sometimes PC parts) to mod them even if all of them work perfectly fine. Discord/Twitter: vile_is_dead

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