PC vs Console – Which Path to Choose?

The gaming world is vast and there are plenty of hotly debated topics, but there is no topic as divisive as the PC vs console discussion.

We are not here to incite anybody to violence today, so what we will do is just objectively analyze what are the differences between the two choices, and give you some hints as to which platform would suit you better!

PC Gaming vs Console Gaming – Pro Console Arguments


It is actually quite easy to make an argument for purchasing a gaming console over a gaming PC since for a while now it seems that there is always a shortage of certain PC parts.

This is mostly related to the ongoing silicon shortage which is not an issue that will be easily solved unless new microprocessor technologies that do not rely on silicon emerge.

In many cases getting your hands on a new generation of GPUs is simply quite amazing, considering that often, these PC parts are worth their weight in gold. This issue does not affect GPUs exclusively either, with the CPU market, RAM market, and even the power supply market experiencing deficits regularly.

What about consoles then? Although the console market is also prone to experiencing supply issues because of high demand, consoles are still widely available for purchase around the world.

If you have decided to buy a console, you also do not need to go parts hunting since once you got the console, you got the whole package.

For a PC if you don’t manage to get one of the key components you might have to wait for months until they become available again…


Another argument when discussing PC vs console gaming is the fact that, overall, consoles tend to be a cheaper investment into playing your favorite games with no hassle.

The PC platform can boast about all of its advantages all day, but if the person looking into the market simply does not have the budget to go for a PC, then any other argument becomes irrelevant.

Ease of Use

An important argument for purchasing a console is that it is basically plug-and-play. All you have to do is connect it to your TV or monitor and everything will work out of the box.

You do not need to know how to set up drivers, what settings to use for your GPU, what BIOS settings you should not touch, etc. You grab your controller, get on the couch, and get in the game you want to play.

Moreover, since the consoles come with the same set of universal hardware, the games made specifically for those consoles usually are highly optimized and require no additional tinkering either.

The argument of ease of use is highly appealing for most casual gamers as it requires no technical knowledge and the only troubleshooting technique they need to know is simply rebooting their device.

PC Gaming vs Console Gaming – Pro PC Arguments


Although consoles boast about many things, the one thing you should know when comparing console vs PC gaming is that the PC platform will always win in terms of performance.

This is because a PC can make full use of whatever parts you have utilized, and can even squeeze out extra FPS when things such as overclocking are taken into account. You have access to ALL of the options and can do as much tweaking as you want.

By comparison, consoles come with extremely limiting software that is designed to keep everything at stock values so the users have no choice but to stick with what the factory settings are.

The 30/60 FPS experience that the consoles offer in 2021 is also downright laughable, and even if we take into account the new generation consoles with their 120FPS capability, we cannot ignore that 90% of the games for those consoles do not support running at the advertised FPS.

On a PC the only limiting factor to your FPS is your hardware and if your freezer is big enough to fit your PC in it for cooling.

Part Choices

Another huge advantage the PC platform has is the fact that when you are building a PC, you can handpick the parts that suit your needs best!

If you want maximum performance you can opt for more expensive parts that can help you in achieving high FPS values. If you on the other hand are on a tighter budget and want to get your bang for your buck, you can always look at less expensive but still capable hardware.

You always have older generations of hardware to choose from, which are not exactly the best performers anymore, but that will be cheaper than the current generation and still offer a great 144FPS/Hz, 240FPS/Hz gaming experience.

The Universality of PC Usage

Once you have built your PC that is tailored for your needs, you can do whatever you want with it. You can play games, you can use it for work, you can edit videos, and you can even use it for casual media consumption.

The sky’s the limit when it comes to what you can do with your PC!

You often hear from console players that they cannot play their favorite game because it is no longer compatible with the current generation of their console, or they have 15 different consoles for different games they enjoy.

By comparison on PC, it does not matter when the game was released or what hardware you are running, you are still able to play whatever you want as long as it is supported for PC!

Moreover, the PC platform even has the capability to emulate console games, be they new or old, so you can play your Super Mario Kart, that was released in 1992 in 2021, on your triple 4K 144Hz monitors like you were on your Nintendo console back in the days!

PC Gaming vs Console Gaming – Conclusions

In the end, the way to decide which platform you will align yourself with should be based on a simple question – are you just a casual gamer that likes the idea of relaxing on the couch and enjoying some single-player game?

Or are you a competitive gamer with technical knowledge that wants to explore each and every way of achieving maximum performance on their device and needs a platform that would enable him to do so?

With this you should already know where your allegiance lies, so we just wish you a happy gaming time, be it on a console or PC!

About The Author

Chris (vile_is_dead)

Custom Windows ISO enjoyer, FPS optimizer, and aim improvement enthusiast. Will disassemble all of his peripherals (and sometimes PC parts) to mod them even if all of them work perfectly fine. Discord/Twitter: vile_is_dead

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